Apocalypto (2006)
Director: Mel Gibson
Cast: Rudy Youngblood as Jaguar Paw, Dalia Hernández as Seven, Jonathan Brewer as Blunted, Morris Birdyellowhead as Flint Sky, Carlos Emilio Báez as Turtles Run, Amilcar Ramírez as Curl Nose, Israel Contreras as Smoke Frog, Israel Ríos as Cocoa Leaf, María Isabel Díaz as Mother in Law (as Isabel Diaz), Espiridion Acosta Cache as Old Story Teller, Mayra Serbulo as Young Woman, Iazua Larios as Sky Flower, Lorena Heranandez as Village Girl, Itandehui Gutierrez as Wife, Sayuri Gutierrez as Eldest Daughter
Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" is not a normal movie but a big make-up
From the moment the film starts to the moment it ends you feel you are
transported into the ancient Mayan civilization, seeing full body
tattoos, body art, multiple piercing and jewelry… It is a very exciting
motion picture to look at, so strange to watch… It has the esthetic
that began to appeal and it fills you with wonder…
Our hero Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood) is a cunning hunter whose father
requests him not to tell of what he saw in forest today… He is warned
to strike fear from his heart and not to bring it into the village…His
wife, Seven (Dalia Hernandez) is pregnant, and their small son, Turtles
Run (Carlos Emilio Baez), live modestly in a village surrounded by a
tranquil rain forest...
After a night of frivolity, the peaceful existence of this small
community of hunters collapses when savage outsiders begin torching and
burning everything in sight killing most and taking away dozens left…
Going undetected, Jaguar Paw hides his wife and child in a deep,
waterless well promising to return when the attack has passed… However
when he is captured by his fearsome aggressors, he is tied to a pole
and marched with his friends and fellow villagers to a forsaken land,
stone-built, where the earth bleeds…
A fortuitous switch provides Jaguar Paw with an unexpected opportunity
to escape and get back to his family in peril… But for that he has to
make his way home through a killing field and a dangerous jungle,
racing against sadistic captors hot on his trail…
"Apocalypto" transports the viewers to a strange and unreachable world,
to a civilization in decline, to an infernal vision of a city and its
inhabitants, to shocking images of human barbarism which has always
existed throughout the ages…
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