The Boondock Saints (1999)

The Boondock Saints (1999)

The Boondock Saints (1999)

The Boondock Saints (1999)

Director: Troy Duffy

Cast: Willem Dafoe as Paul Smecker, Sean Patrick Flanery as Connor MacManus, Norman Reedus as Murphy MacManus, David Della Rocco as Rocco, Billy Connolly as Il Duce, David Ferry as Detective Dolly, Brian Mahoney as Detective Duffy, Bob Marley as Detective Greenly, Richard Fitzpatrick as The Chief, William Young as Monsignor, Robert Pemberton as Macklepenny, Bill Craig as McGerkin, Dot Jones as Rosengurtle Baumgartener (as Dorothy-Marie Jones), Scott Griffith as Ivan Checkov, Layton Morrison as Vladdy

A fourth year film student with a chip on his/her shoulder will probably
tell you that this film is simple, uninspired, derivative, gratuitous.....
ignore him/her just like you always do and see this genuinely funny movie.
It has an inspired performance by Willem Dafoe and enough new ideas to
you glued. The social commentary should probably be looked at as more
a plot device than intelligent thought, but I found myself watching this
movie repeatedly and enjoying it more the second and third time around.
This is definitely a naughty pleasure for the movie enthusiast.

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